This work proposes a new simplified five-parameter estimation method for a single-diode\nmodel of photovoltaic panels. The method, based on an iterative algorithm, is able to estimate the\nparameter of the electrical single-diode model from the panelâ??s datasheet. Two iterative steps are\nused to estimate the five parameters starting from data provided by the manufacturer (nameplate\nvalues or Iâ??V curves). The first step permits finding the optimal value of the diode ideality factor A,\nand the second step allows the calculation of the Rp value to improve the accuracy. A model that\ntakes into account variations in temperature and solar irradiance has been used to validate the\nbehavior of the output parameters. Compared to other estimation work, the proposed method\nshows the best result in the standard test condition (STC) and with a variable solar irradiance.\nIndeed, the optimization of the A, Rs, and Rp parameters allows guaranteeing the minimum error\nbetween Iâ??V curves obtained from method and datasheet.